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Olympus Studiu de caz Entersoft Business Suite
Olympus select an Entersoft Mobile solution for three countries.
L'oreal Studiu de caz Entersoft Business Suite
L'Oreal streamlines its Sales department strategy with Entersoft Mobile SFA
Unilever Cyprus chooses Entersoft Pocketbiz to increase productivity and optimize warehouse time
Upgrading customer experience with the innovations of the integrated Entersoft Retail Solution
Kafkas Studiu de caz
Entersoft Solutions - Total elimination of paper and electronic archiving of documents
Grup Editorial Corint optimizes its activity and reduces operational costs with Entersoft solutions
Upgrading customer experience with the innovations of the integrated Entersoft Retail Solution
Interwood's digital transformation with integrated solutions from Entersoft for managing wood products production and distribution processes
AMVYX, a company with a history of over 100 years, chooses Entersoft Business Suite® (ERP & WMS), for the distribution activity of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages.
Viacar avoids mistakes and accelerates delivery time with Entersoft WMS®.
Horizontal digital transformation for Matzaridis Bros s.a. with Entersoft Business Suite
The Cooperative of Pharmacists of Western Greece optimises order management and customer service with Entersoft software solutions
Select Auto, one of the largest Importers and distributors of tools and equipment for car repairs, with over 50,000 customers across the country, has implemented ERP and WMS solutions, in the cloud, from BITSoftware.
Mediclim uses all the capabilities of the ERP & CRM & BI platform, plus a series of customized modules specific to the field of activity: bidding, stock reservation, contract management and reporting specific to the import and distribution of specialized equipment.
Handlopex, European leader of tyres distribution, uses SocrateERP, the complete solution for distribution, for a competitive advantage.
District Group manages its food, automotive, transportation and distribution activities with SocrateERP.
Building materials distributor, reduced operational costs and optimized the purchasing process with SocrateERP.
One of the leading distributors for the textiles equipment industry, manages its distribution business with SocrateERP.
SocrateERP manages all the processes of the 20 companies in the group and helps the management to make the best decisions for increased competitiveness in the wine market.
ERP Software
One of the largest producers and distributors of seeds in Romania, controls its costs and supports its regional business growth with SocrateERP & CRM
Domeniile Tohani, a renowned producer and distributor of the best quality Romanian wines, uses SocrateERP to manage all processes in the company.
Alcedo, market leader in the distribution of plant protection products uses SocrateERP to manage its activity.
Karamalegos Bakery - Studiu de caz Entersoft Business Suite
Karamolegos Bakery automates its supply chain processes with Entersoft WMS®
Apivita - Studiu de caz Entersoft Business Suite
Apivita invests in Entersoft to unify and evolve Sales, Marketing & Merchandising divisions.
Calin Studiu de caz - Entersoft Business Suite
CALIN S.A. chooses the Entersoft Business Suite and Entersoft Retail solutions for the upgrade of its infrastructures and the automation of its procedures
Fais - Entersoft Business Suite
Fais Group upgrades the information infrastructure through the modernization and automation of processes offered by Entersoft Business Suite Solutions
inart-Entersoft Business Suite
Entersoft solutions improve the decoration sector, at inart with Entersoft Mobile CRM/SFA
Lapin House-Entersoft Business Suite
Lapin Hοuse chose the Entersoft Business software high end tools for its infrastructure reorganization aiming to increase efficiency
Shop & Trade Studiu de caz EBS
Shop & Trade moves to the next level using Entersoft ERP and WMS solutions
Mat-Mati Entersoft Business Suite
ΜΑΤΙ - ΜΑΤΙ proceeded with its digital transformation with the conclusive solution of ERP - CRM - Retail by Entersoft
TEKZEN ROM, the Romanian subsidiary of the largest DIY companies in Turkey, was managing all the financial and accounting operations with SocrateERP
Okian, the largest online bookstore in Romania and distributor of over 30.000 other Romanian and foreign publishers, uses SocrateERP to manage both online and traditional stores.
Book distributor, publisher and business conferences organizer, manages it’s entire activity with SocrateERP & CRM
Egmont România, the largest publisher of books and magazines for children, uses SocrateERP to manage its printing activity, production costs and license reports
The number 1 specialist of e-fulfillment in Romania uses SocrateERP to ensure its development objectives
With SocrateERP, LeFruMarin, producer, retailer and distributor can now manage a more accelerated growth.
Entersoft Business Suite ERP digitized and modernized all departments of the Eureka company
Grantex Studiu de caz Entersoft Business Suite
Grantex implemented the combined solutions of Entersoft ERP, Entersoft WMS and Production Cycle, in a fully integrated system
Radical digital transformation at Ioniki through Entersoft Business Suite (ERP, CRM, WMS, xVan)
Rolco has digitalized all production units with Entersoft Business Suite® software solutions (ERP, WMS and Mobile CRM/SFA)
Nordia SA integrates digital transformation through Entersoft's innovative and modern models that upgraded its internal infrastructure
Konstantinidis Confectioneries has achieved continuous efficiency improvement with the help of Entersoft Business Suite
Alchimica - Studiu de caz Entersoft Business Suite
Alchimica is proceeding to an entire integration of procedures and in real time data exploitation with Entersoft Business Suite
Transilana, combed wool spinning and company with tradition in Romania, reduced the order fulfillment time by more than 40% with SocrateERP
The largest Romanian napkins and paper handkerchiefs producer, increased its turnover using SocrateERP
Well known electrical engines manufacturer, uses SocrateERP to manage its manufacturing processes and all the related costs
Manufacturer and distributor of preforms improves control and ensures traceability with SocrateERP
Kronmat, a company that makes shaped products from concrete steel, manages its activity with SocrateERP
Using SocrateERP, one of the important Romanian shoes manufacturer for children, reduced the non-productive staff by 40%
Leading manufacturer of laminated wood windows and doors reduced its costs by 15% with SocrateERP
The local public forestry authority "Kronstadt" efficiently manages with SocrateERP the fourth largest fund in Romania, with 14,600 hectares of forest.
The local public forestry authority "Kronstadt" efficiently manages with SocrateERP the fourth largest fund in Romania, with 14,600 hectares of forest.
Rampad chose SocrateERP for managerial support on its way to success. Rampad is part of Metabras Group which has a history of nearly 22 years on the Romanian market.
C.C.C. Kronstadt, one of the major players in the construction market, uses SocrateCloud ERP to manage all construction projects and all the financial and operational requirements.
NORMANDIA, through its team of high-class specialists, provides complex services for the industry, manages projects, financial activity and personnel structure with SocrateERP
BSH - Socrate CRM
BSH Electrocasnice, the subsidiary of BSH Hausgerate GmbH, a company within the Bosch Group, present on the Romanian market since 1999, optimizes its activity with SocrateCRM
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